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Biologics: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
What is PRP?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is concentrated from your own blood which contains healing factors, such as white blood cells and bioactive proteins called growth factors and stem cell markers. These cells are vital for tissue regeneration and repair. Platelets, once thought of being responsible only for clotting, have been scientifically proven to be a reservoir of these vital healing components. With advanced techniques we are able to concentrate these regenerative healing cells in a simple office procedure.

How does the PRP process work?
Your doctor will recover a small amount of blood or bone marrow. This sample then goes through a rapid spinning process that separates and concentrates the platelets and other beneficial growth factors from the blood. The entire PRP production process is usually done in less than 30 minutes. The platelets and growth factors are then injected into the site of injury to start the regenerative process. These injections have been effective for professional athletes from Tiger Woods to Kobe Bryant and are now available to the general public.

Biologics: Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)/Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA)
Stem cell therapy has the potential to help accelerate healing in tendon/ligament injuries, and to augment the sub-optimal healing from other techniques or surgeries. The process of receiving stem cell therapy starts with harvesting your own stem cells from the bone marrow. Stem cells are harvested from the bone marrow (usually your iliac crest) using AN anesthetic and a special small biopsy needle. These stem cells- called Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)- are autologous, meaning they are your own stem cells. Harvesting MSCs for injection therapy is usually performed in our surgical center and only takes a short amount of time. The skin and hip bone are numbed. A special needle is then passed through the cortex of the bone into the marrow cavity. This is a painless procedure in most cases. The liquid marrow is then very slowly drawn into a syringe. Then your bone marrow gets spun in a centrifuge for 15 minutes allowing the undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells to separate from the platelets and blood. Our experienced surgeon will then inject your own stem cells into the joint or damaged tissue. These mesenchymal stem cells have the ability to turn into cartilage, ligament, tendon, bone, nerve tissue, blood vessels, or muscle tissue. These cells find the area of damage, connect to your DNA and determine the code that tells them into what to reproduce. Stem cells can only grow the same tissue you would have had before the damage. This procedure is particularly useful for persistent partial tendon tears, such as tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, quadriceps and patellar tendon tears; partial muscle tears; meniscus tears in the knee and chondromalacia patella (patellofemoral syndrome).